Elderplan | Homefirst : a member of MJHS Health System

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Elderplan Offers Affordable Medicare Advantage Plan Options

As a not-for-profit health plan founded here in New York more than 35 years ago, our primary objective is to ensure that our members receive the care and support they deserve. And as part of MJHS Health Care System, we can provide additional access to care and services, should your health care needs evolve over time. We’ll work with colleagues from across the system to better coordinate your care and make it easier for you.

Elderplan offers a range of Medicare Advantage Plan options tailored to fit the changing needs of Medicare and dual Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries at every level of health.

Our plan options include great benefits like:

  • NEW! OTC benefit to help with rent/mortgage, utilities, internet, groceries, meals and traditional OTC *
  • NEW! Flex card for out-of-pocket dental, hearing, and vision expenses
  • NEW! Freedom to choose any specialist or dentist at no extra cost
  • Zero monthly premiums ^
  • Long-term care at home

Learn more about our new and improved benefits for 2024. Make an appointment with an Elderplan Benefits Advisor to review your plan options.

Leading the way to great care. (SM)

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Make an Appointment with a Benefits Advisor

Discuss which health plan option best fits your needs with an Elderplan Benefits Advisor.

  Telephone We will call you at the phone number you provide, at a time that works best for you.
  Video Meet us virtually on your computer, smartphone, or tablet.
  In-Person We’ll come to you. We can meet you at your home or another location of your choice.

Our Benefits Advisors will speak with you about your needs and recommend a health plan that’s right for you.

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Our Benefits Advisors will chat with you about your needs and recommend a health plan that’s right for you.

By checking this box I give Elderplan
permission to contact I understand that by submitting this form, I authorize Elderplan to call me to provide additional information on the Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug plans it offers. Submitting this form does not obligate me to enroll in a plan.

The representative will contact you via the telephone number you provide

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